Bloggers earn in India

How Much a Blogger Earn in India – Blog to Earn

Blogging has gained popularity over the years for its potential to make a blogger earn massive amounts of money, both passively and actively. In an evolving world where office jobs are no longer a guarantee for the large masses of educated youth, blogging offers a lifeline for many Indian youths. With better internet connectivity and computer knowledge in India, Indians can dive into the world of blogging and also get a piece of the pie.

How much a Blogger earn in India

Blogging involves setting up a website for your blog, picking a niche to blog about, finding ways to drive traffic, and monetizing your site. There is a wide selection of niches to focus on including health and fitness, finance, relationships, parenting, education, technology, gaming, real estate, and agriculture. Picking a niche that inspires you will ensure that you remain motivated to post and take your blog to the next level actively.

How Bloggers Earn Money

Creating a blog is not a guarantee for making money. On the contrary, it takes a lot of hard work and patience before you can see tangible results. Visit for guidelines on starting a blog explained by Fernando Raymond. To earn money from a blog, you can engage in various activities, including:

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is quite the trend nowadays, especially among bloggers. It involves placing links to products on your blogs. When your readers click on the links you placed in your blog and make a purchase, you are paid some money from the proceeds. Bloggers mainly post affiliate links for products within their niche to ensure they have the right target audience. An example of affiliate marketing is a fitness blogger posting affiliate links for exercise apparel. To earn from affiliate marketing, you need to drive traffic to your blog. Having a large readership increases the chances of more people buying the products you promote on your blog. This, in turn, increases your commission.

Selling Courses

Selling Courses and Earning MoneySelling courses is one of the easiest ways for bloggers to earn money. Bloggers well versed in specific topics can take advantage of their authority and craft a course that meets the needs of their readers. Nowadays, online courses are the choice of learning for many time-strapped individuals. You can sell your course on sites like Udemy and watch your account grow. Creating relevant coursework material is not a walk in the park but is immensely rewarding when people find value in what you offer.

Product Reviews

Bloggers with a large following often land requests from firms to promote their products on their blogs for pay. Depending on your niche, you can land various opportunities to review multiple products. Some of the most revi­­ewed online items include beauty products, kitchen appliances, and mobile phone accessories.

Display Ads

Display ads are an easy way to generate money from your blog as they don’t require many resources. You simply display the ad code on your website. As visitors click on the displayed ads, you earn money. Including multiple ads on your blog gives you a better chance to make higher returns. Some of the most popular ad networks used by bloggers include Adsense,, and AdThrive.

Selling Services

Many bloggers double up as freelancers, offering services like writing, website management, social media management, and copywriting to their clients. Blogs effectively display the strengths and talents of a blogger and expose them to readers who might benefit from their freelance gigs. Bloggers can list their services on the blog, including testimonials from previous clients, to build trust and confidence in their skills.

Paid Newsletters

Some bloggers provide periodic newsletters to their clients at a fee. Clients who find your newsletter content will subscribe to access your content. One of the best-earning newsletters is the NBA’s Cleaning the Glass. This newsletter targets thousands of basketball fans to subscribe at a monthly fee of $7.50 for statistics and articles. In India, The Times of India is open for various subscription packages, including breaking news alerts and daily briefs.


Consulting for Service in IndiaEstablished bloggers can add to their revenue streams by providing consultation on topics of their expertise or vocational training. For example, financial bloggers can double as tax advisors to readers at a fee. Interior designers can also give consultations on design matters to their followers. Bangalore-based Deepak Kanakaraju provides consulting services on advertising and electronic marketing, earning over INR 2,000,000 cumulatively from his websites monthly.

Flipping Websites

Flipping websites involves identifying non-performing websites, acquiring them, and making some touch-ups to improve them. Once these websites become presentable and profitable, bloggers sell them off at much higher prices, making tidy sums in profits. However, this is a risky activity as there is no guarantee that the website will live up to the blogger’s expectations and could lead to financial losses if poorly executed.

Conference Speaking

Well-established bloggers are continually getting invitations to speak at various conferences. Iftekar Ahmed of iftiSEO makes some of his income through speaking at blogging conferences. So does Sorav Jain, whose main strength is digital marketing. Jon Morrow of Smartblogger charges not less than $10,000 for every speech he makes, which typically lasts for about 90 minutes. Though speakers in India do not earn as much as their American counterparts, all signs point to better days as more Indians accept blogging as a legit source of income.

How Much a Top Blogger Earn in India?

Blogging in India is no longer a preserve of the few, which gives curiousness about How Much a Blogger Earn in India. Many have embraced blogging as a source of income, with a good number making handsome sums of money. According to SeekaHost, the top Indian bloggers make up to $50000 monthly, making blogging a highly lucrative venture. Some of the most successful Indian bloggers include:

Amit Agrawal

Amit is widely referred to as India’s top blogger. His IT background propelled him to start a lucrative tech blog,, estimated to earn $ 40000 monthly. He has over 70,000 Youtube subscribers and his videos have reached over 18 million views since his Youtube debut in 2006. Amit is a seasoned Gsuite developer and his humble beginnings as India’s first blogger have endeared him to many aspiring bloggers in India. His blog focuses on demystifying mobile apps and gives lots of insight into google apps.

Harsh Agrawal

Shoutmeloud - Blogger Harsh Agrawal Harsh Agrawal was once an employee at Accenture for six months. He quit his lucrative job to venture into blogging. His renowned blog,, focuses on blogging tips, monetizing blogs, SEO and has received recognition through various awards, including the best Indian blog. Agrawal earns his money through affiliate marketing, Google Adsense, consultation services on blogging and SEO, and online courses. He is said to pocket over $ 30000 each month from his blogging enterprise.

Faisal Farooqui

MouthShut - Faisal FarooquiFaisal has a foreign educational background from the USA. His blog deals with various consumer product reviews, which has earned him recognition from India’s Entrepreneur Magazine as a top business personality. His primary sources of income include affiliate marketing, paid ads, and paid membership for his blog. Faisal’s monthly income is estimated to be around $ 50000.

Benefits of Blogging

These three bloggers are just a drop in the ocean of Indian bloggers making a kill blogging. India’s large population is a plus, as quality content will always attract large viewership. Blogging provides a wide range of benefits to a blogger, including:

Benefits of bloggers in india

  • Flexible Working Hours

Working as a blogger offers independence when it comes to working hours. You get to decide when to blog and when to take a break. Bloggers have ample time to try out other businesses alongside blogging. This type of freedom lacks in most conventional jobs, where you have to commit many hours to your organization.

  • Huge Earning Potential

Unlike a monthly salary that remains fixed for a long period, there is no limit to your earning ability as a blogger. As a blogger, you can mint money from multiple streams, unlike working for one employer.

  • Enlarging Social Networks

Successful blogging is dependent on wide social circles, guaranteeing traffic to your site, and a better earning potential. As bloggers communicate with their followers, they gain useful social connections that can advance their careers. These connections are also like a family, empathizing with you when facing problems and celebrating your victories.

Challenges Facing Blogging in India

As much as there is a vast potential for bloggers to succeed in India, it is not for the faint-hearted. Blogging requires persistence and a strong will to achieve success. Upcoming Indian bloggers face various challenges, including:

  • Lack of Training Centers for Bloggers

For a long time, blogging has been treated as an informal sector. This means a lack of institutions to train people who would like to pursue logging careers. Most bloggers are self-taught, while others seek training from experienced bloggers at a fee. Since there are no regulations for blogging trainers, it is hard to tell whether trainees receive adequate information.

  • Blogging is Still an Urban Concept

Most blogging activities target urban dwellers who understand what blogging is really about. The rural population still has a long way to go to appreciate blogging as an income earner. This makes it difficult for bloggers to sell their services to rural folks.

India’s blogging environment still offers many opportunities for upcoming bloggers to make their mark. Blogging in India is not only promising but an excellent reprieve for India’s unemployment crisis. While blogging cannot employ every youth, it can surely provide many with an income and improve their living standards.